Post by KingBoner on Jan 6, 2016 10:32:23 GMT
Server Rules:
1. No racist, degrading or demeaning comments. 2. No swearing allowed. 3. No accusing players on server for hackin, if you feel like someone is hacking please ask for an admin. 4. No spawming with texts or taunts. 5. No offensive or improper names alloud in the server. Example of an improper name is 'console/arab/muslim/isis' etc. 6. If they are to much inactive players in spectator mode. They will get kicked to make some room for active players. 7. No mods or skins alloud in the server. When a player get cought with a mod or skin it will result in a ban from the server. 8. Run MohaaC when asked by an admin, or be prepared and have it running allready. (the more people joining with MohaaC the better it is)